I got bored, was going to sprout beans and corn. I did not want to spend large for a small mouthed mason jar with a screen lid. I went to the local Hobby Lobby, bought a single wide mouthed jar, and a 10 pack of Plastic Canvases. They came in different sizes. The 3" was just too small for the wide-mouthed jar. So I popped another dime for the 4.5" circles, went in about 4 squares and cut away. Now I have a screened sprouter for 15 bean soup mix. I am reliably informed all 15 items will sprout, I used to cull out the split peas and legumes to cut down on disappointment when I was helping grade school kids grow things! One teacher used the culled items, and made a soup in a potpourri pot.
Margaret Atwood Says She's Not A Prophet
Indeed, Ms. Atwood says *The Handmaid's Tale* drew on historical and
(then) contemporary events -- which is one of the reasons she, somewhat
8 hours ago